The Linux version of Spotify provides a way to control the music using the DBus org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify service. This lets you skip tracks, play, and pause the music. It doesn't let you change the volume though.

If you are using PulseAudio or PipeWire then you can use the pactl command to...

After playing around with exportify, I decided to find out how the Spotify API works. Of course, a Python module already exists called Spotipy that helps you connect to the Web API.

This can easily be installed with pip install spotipy and has good documentation here

I wanted to see if I co...

While I was going for a walk today I randomly started wondering if it was possible to download a Spotify playlist as a text file or CSV file. It didn't take long for me to find the Exportify project which can be used to make a backup copy of your Spotify playlists. It was easy to get it up and run...