Everyone knows about ulimit to show and set the current shell's maximum number of open files (among other things), but what if you want to know the total number of open files on the whole system. I thought I could find the global number of open files by running lsof | wc -l but this number als...

The find command can optionally pass the files it finds to another command using the -exec option. The syntax is easy, just add -exec 'other_command ;' as an argument to find. But I did that, and it's telling me find: missing argument to `-exec'.

Turns out it just needs the semi-colon es...

Over the years my fibre (FTTC) broadband speed has slowly dropped from about 60Mbps to less than 40Mbps. This is probably due to the crosstalk as more people on my cabinet get fibre activated. I can still get 60Mbps by changing the SNR margin but the DLM system doesn’t like that even though the conn...

Update: This issue also seems to affect Windows users. It looks like CS2 is requesting a sample rate of 44100 Hz and just assumes it got it even when it doesn't. So if your audio device is operating at 48000 Hz or higher you are going to get a sound delay after a while. The higher the operating rate...